
  • Inheriting a House

    I Just Inherited a House…Now What?

    The devastation of losing a loved one can oftentimes be amplified by the additional stress and responsibility of inheriting their home. According to the Center of Wealth and Philanthropy at Boston College, baby boomers are predicted to inherit around $27 trillion over the next forty years—a majority of that inheritance being their parents’ homes (source). […]

  • How To Sell a Hoarder Home

      “Hoarding” isn’t something that is frequently talked about. It is often hidden behind closed doors, kept secret until a situation arises that forces it into the limelight. Contrary to what many people believe, hoarding is a debilitating mental illness, and it is actually fairly common − especially among seniors and people living alone. In […]

  • Investments Gone Wrong: Dealing With Bad Renters

    We get this question often: how do I sell a house if it has renters in it? It’s sad to say but we’ve heard this story a thousand times. I’m sure your situation has unique characteristics but bad renters have been a problem for property owners since the advent of property ownership. It’s not your […]
